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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dopefish Posted - 30/01/2011 : 01:47:05
Good people of the SLAN community,

I speak before you today to make two announcements... First, the web facing services of SLAN have been moved to a new server. Second, this was taken as an opportunity to do some things better. Third, there is a new...

I speak before you today to make three announcements. First and second have been covered. Third, there is a new theme for the site which I have been working on for a little while. Fourth, I have put a new...

Amongst the reasons which I am speaking before you today are such diverse elements as the new server, the new back-end, the new theme, the new survey (which would be really cool if you could vote to give me feedback), and finally, there is a whimsical easter egg in the newness. First to point it out gets something as a prize.

Cast your vote here!

Peace, out.

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